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Rooibos Espresso – Watch this space!

Rooibos Espresso – Watch this space!

Apr 08, 2014

Joerg Mueller

Solaris are incredibly excited to announce that we will shortly be introducing the innovative Rooibos Espresso to our range. This is a perfect, caffeine-free, healthy alternative to coffee (prepared in your semi-automatic coffee machine just like an espresso) and can be used for Espresso, Cappuccino, Americano and Lattes, to name but a few.

Rooibos is a South African bush tea that is naturally caffeine free yet incredibly high in antioxidants (therefore goodness!). It has an earthy taste and is renowned for its health benefits. Initially, Rooibos was used as a medicinal tea and it remains commonplace within South African households.

Rooibos Espresso
 has a strong, powerful taste, is rich in colour and is refreshing yet still relaxing. It is a finer ground of the regular Rooibos Tea and can work just like coffee in your coffee machines, producing a crema like substance. It definitely proves itself as the perfect coffee alternative and is even suitable during pregnancy and for the younger family members too.

For all those coffee or tea lovers alike, why not try something new, something healthier? Watch this space for the official launch of Rooibos Espresso and contact us if you would like to receive some our very first samples!