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5 tips for Staying Positive during uncertain times.

Developing and maintaining positive energy involves more than merely thinking happy thoughts. It is the anticipation of good and it is the belief that all things — situations, obstacles, and difficulties — will work out favorably in the end. But how can we do it?
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Rooibos Cacao Chai Cookies – An excuse for an alternative baking session!

Rooibos is definitely a win-win tea. It has a huge amount of antioxidants but is naturally caffeine free. Besides the fact that it is incredibly healthy, it also tastes amazing and can be used for many different culinary purposes, including baking.

For this reason we bring you a delicious recipe for Rooibos Cookies. Use plain Rooibos, or we suggest Solaris Rooibos Cacao Chai to spice it up a little....

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Cooking with Tea - The Basics

In a cup of tea, there is more than our vain philosophical ideas: it encapsulates an ancient and healthy habit.

From that time to this day,  the fame of the infusion gave rise to an innumerous number of variations and now we are able to find white, green and black tea, as well as herbal, fruit and or flower infusions that can be served hot or cold.

Besides being an amazing drink, there are countless ways to use tea in cooking. Let's learn some?

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COVID-19 – The Relationship of your Nervous System to the Immune System – a Medical Herbalist Perspective

As I discussed in the last article, viruses have a pronounced relationship with the nervous system & the “ego” or “I-organization”.

The “I- organization” regulates the immune system – the immune system representing and protecting the boundaries between the “I” & the environment. 

What does this mean from a physiological viewpoint? 

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COVID-19 - Supporting your immune system – a Medical Herbalist Perspective

In the age of the coronavirus pandemic, there are steps you can take toward helping your immune system stay strong and healthy. Getting enough sleep, controlling stress and exercising are all things you can do, along with thorough hand washing and avoiding touching your hands to your face.

From a herbalist perspective, we have many herbs that help to support the immune system & peripheral circulation (the body’s warmth regulation) & the nervous system.

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Why Matcha is More than Just a Buzzword for your Business

Our customers are leaping on the Matcha-wagon. It’s versatility covers a range of drinks and here we discuss how the Matcha craze is starting to take off and why you should consider offering Matcha to your clients.
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