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Why Is Kombucha Good For You?

Why Is Kombucha Good For You?

Oct 15, 2020

Orazio Mazzoni

Often associated with prophylactic and therapeutic properties, Kombucha Tea has become a very popular drink in recent years.

This refreshing beverage is available commercially in many countries but those with enough knowledge of tea processing can also prepare it at home. 

In this article, we will explore the origins of Kombucha Tea and we will try and answer the question: “Why is Kombucha Good For You?”

How is Kombucha Tea produced?

Kombucha has a unique production process. 

The first step when preparing Kombucha is to dissolve sugar in boiling, non-chlorinated water. Tea leaves are then steeped in this water before being discarded.

The next step is to let the tea cool and add the SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast). This resulting mixture is then poured into a sterilized beaker, together with previously fermented Kombucha Tea (in order to lower PHP).

Subsequently, the tea is left to ferment for around two weeks. 

When the fermentation process is completed, the SCOBY culture is removed and the remaining Kombucha is strained, bottled, and left to ferment for a few additional days.   

For more precise indications on how to prepare the perfect homemade Kombucha Tea, check also this article from Solaris Blog

The History of Kombucha

Kombucha first appeared around 200 B.C. in the Northeastern area of China. Its name is thought to originate from a Korean doctor named Kombu. 

According to ancient history, Dr. Kombu brought his fermented Tea to Japan to cure the Japanese Emperor Inkyo.

It was not until the 1800s that the consumption of Kombucha Tea appeared in Russia and Ukraine. During World War I, Kombucha was even consumed by German and Russian soldiers. 

After World War II, its beneficial properties became widely known in the western world and this beverage reached a new level of popularity. 

This popularity has increased noticeably in recent years. 

Why Is Kombucha Good for You? What Science says. 

Kombucha Tea has been associated with a series of health benefits.

It is rich in probiotics, which are very important for maintaining an optimal level of immune health. Probiotic therapy has been an alternative medical treatment for various functional disorders. 

Kombucha is also packed with antioxidants. These substances protect your cells against free radicals, which may have a role in preventing a number of health conditions. 

Finally, Kombucha is also thought to have antibacterial properties. 

But are there scientific studies to back these claims?

A study on the Kombucha microbiome as a probiotic and on its health-promoting qualities has been published in 2012 by a group of researchers. 

Another study published in 2019 found out that antioxidant activity was higher in Kombucha Tea compared to Rooibos. 

Scientific research has also discovered that Kombucha can also reduce toxicity induced by chemicals such as carbon tetrachloride and TBHP.

Finally, a study published in 2017 on “LWT - Food Science and Technology” has researched the antimicrobial effect of Kombucha analogues. 

What Are The Best Tea Leaves to Prepare Kombucha?

One of the most important steps when brewing Kombucha is the choice of the type of tea.

This will greatly influence the aroma and flavour of your drink. 

In Japan and other Asian countries, Kombucha is usually made using Sencha Green Tea

The type of tea used in brewing kombucha is the single biggest influence on the taste and flavour of your drink. 

In Japan and throughout many parts of the world, a mild flavoured Kombucha is traditionally prepared with Sencha green tea 

Our Solaris Sencha Green Tea is the least processed of all the Green Teas due to its gentle steaming process.

Why is Kombucha Good For You? - Solaris Sencha Green Tea for Brewing Kombucha

We also suggest combining it with our 
Solaris White Tea, a top grade, first flush tea that is naturally low in caffeine and very high in antioxidant content and therefore very beneficial to your health and well-being.  

Why is Kombucha Good For You? - Solaris White Tea for Brewing Kombucha

Does Drinking Kombucha Tea Have Any Side Effects?

Kombucha is usually considered a very safe beverage for adults.

Drinking Kombucha once a day is thought to improve the state of your gut by leading to healthy flora. 

Drinking Kombucha in excess should be avoided because it can lead to digestive symptoms, excessive caffeine consumption, and excessive calorie consumption. 

Because of its bacteria content, Kombucha is not recommended to people with a compromised immune system. This group includes those with cancer, HIV, and other forms of immunodeficiency.