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A time to pause, reside in stillness and reflect.

Known to be the shortest day of the year or the ‘longest night’- Solstice Night, with a mere 9 hours day light. In Latin, the word ‘Solstice’ combines two words ‘sol’ or sun and ‘sistere’ to make stand.

A time to pause, reside in stillness and reflect.

For many of you this year has brought its share of darkness and the growing light will indeed be welcome as we move towards the dawn of 2021. Whilst the darkness feels real and all engulfing at times we are reminded to light the fire not only in our hearth but also in our hearts.

I have a simple ritual that can help you feel your heart with love and calm your mind.
Shall we do it together?

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How to transform your Tea Moment into a Mindfulness Ritual

Mindfulness is a term that has gained popularity in recent years and is increasingly on the rise among wellness trends.  Mindfulness is a set of te...
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Why is Tea Good for You?

Tea is one of the world’s most popular drinks and it makes up around 20% of the world’s total consumption of beverages. 

It became known in the western world between the 16th and 17th century but its use dates back to Ancient China where it was initially seen as a medicinal drink. 

This means that its beneficial properties were already acknowledged millennia ago. This can help us answer the question: why is tea good for you?

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5 tips for Staying Positive during uncertain times.

Developing and maintaining positive energy involves more than merely thinking happy thoughts. It is the anticipation of good and it is the belief that all things — situations, obstacles, and difficulties — will work out favorably in the end. But how can we do it?
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What is the best tea for each time of the day?

Here at Solaris we have over 30 different blends that can be consumed daily. Understanding each one’s properties, as well as their individual preparation, will help you to experience this amazing world fully. Discover more here. 

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Tea up your flasks

 “Make sure you’re drinking enough water” Every parent, teacher, sports coach, and doctor has told us this before, especially during the warmer mo...
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