Autumn Tips to Boost your Immunity
As we head into autumn again, it's as important as ever that we mind our immune system and strengthen and warm our bodies for the cooler months ahead.
With this in mind, our in-house Master tea blenders and resident Medical Herbalists Joerg and Karin Mueller, have written a series of blog posts highlighting how we can help ourselves, giving a fresh insight into viruses and how our nervous system is intricately linked to our immune system.
Learn about the ‘power of ritual’ and ‘moments of pause’ to achieve this, and our favourite 6 teas to support you in this.
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What is a virus?
Viruses originate from the substance of the genome and, like the genome, can influence the metabolism of cells, thereby making them alien to the organism. If an infection occurs, viruses penetrate into the organism.
The organism recognizes that certain cells are made alien by the viruses, beginning to do something other than what is best for the whole. It begins to turn against these cells in order to eliminate them.
This is what creates the symptoms of the disease that now breaks out: the organism is trying to get rid of the infected cells so as to get rid of the viruses that have invaded, by employing, for example, coughing, fever, and phlegm.
From an Anthroposophic Medicine viewpoint, viruses have a pronounced relationship with the nervous system & the “ego” or “I-organization”. The “I- organization” regulates the immune system – the immune system representing and protecting the boundaries between the “I” & the environment.
In a recent article by Georg Soldner, he states that a viral infection, therefore, can be seen as alienation from your own body: “The more a person is already in a situation where the physical body is becoming alien to her or him, the more susceptible she or he is to viral diseases’.
“Of course, this is especially true at a higher age, when bones shrink and muscle mass decreases; or in the case of chronic illnesses.” He further states that: “The less I am present in my body—the less it is completely permeated by “me” in this sense—the more easily the infection can spread in the body and the more serious the consequences can be.
What helps people overcome illness is everything that helps them better “penetrate” and “warm” their body, and helps them to feel more at home in it. ‘’Therefore, it is not surprising that the disease is seldomly dangerous for children.”
What can we do to help overcome them?
According to Georg Soldner, there are a number of measures we can take in our personal lives to help our organism overcome viral disease. As always these are steps to take alongside following local guidelines and working closely with your doctor or medical herbalist to assess what measures are most suited for your individual body.
These include abstaining from alcohol, moderating sugar consumption, and maintaining a rhythm of life with sufficient sleep and an active relationship with the sun.
What our immune system often suffers from is a lack of sunlight, a deficiency that is most severe in early spring and coming into late autumn and winter.
What I personally took from the above mentioned is:
We need to stay grounded, be present in the moment & in our body – i.e. practice ‘mindfulness’.

Tea can be a very powerful initiator of ritual to achieve this - both to create ‘moments of pause’ & “me-time”, as well as ‘being present’.
In fact, Asian tea ceremonies represent a “letting-go” of preconceptions & your ego to achieve simplicity and pure focus.
Why not try our 7 day Tea Meditation
The Japanese Tea ceremony can be summed up by the Zen phrase “Ichi-go Ichi-e”, which means “one-time, one meeting”.
The phrase is meant to remind us of the beauty and uniqueness of the present moment and that life is transient or ever-changing and impermanent.
From a herbalist’s perspective, we have many herbs that help to support the immune system & peripheral circulation (the body’s warmth regulation), as well as our nervous system.
From our tea collection, we will discuss 6 of the most relevant blends & ingredients to support the above mentioned.
In today’s article, we will discuss the first 3 Solaris Tea blends, with the other three being discussed in part 2:
- Ginger Zest- Warming Spice Tea
- ‘I am’ Be Better, Root Chakra Tea- Gold Star Winner 2021 Great Taste Awards
- ‘I Know’ Be Better, Crown Chakra, Green Tea Chai- Gold Star Winner 2021 Great Taste Awards
Ginger Zest
Contains: Ginger, Liquorice root, Elder Flower
Ginger’s warming & stimulating effects addresses internal deficiencies related to cold (energetically). One of the best stimulants to arterial circulation, the remedy promotes warmth to the body’s very extremities – a diffusive stimulant. Ginger has shown to be antiviral, antibacterial and immunostimulant and is used for upper respiratory infections, as well as being a warm digestive stimulant.
Licorice root: is an immune enhancer through activity on the pituitary/adrenal gland. It has a restoring and regulating effect – this is helpful in conditions where there is irritation and hypersensitivity to the bronchi, throat, stomach & urinary organs. On the neuro-endocrine level, it can act to reduce immune-hyperactivity. It is anti-infective, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic.
Note: Liquorice should be avoided in conditions of adrenal hyperfunctioning.
ie: hypertension, water retention, hyperglycemia & osteoporosis.
Elder Flower: Used for upper & lower respiratory infections with fever, specifically with localized infection where there is a lot of phlegm or mucous.Traditionally it is used for allergic and inflammatory conditions, where it helps to resolve sputum overproduction (called mucostatic, ie restores mucosa to moderate secretions).
‘I am’ Be Better Crown Chakra Tea
Our beautiful earthy I AM- Be Better Root chakra or Muladhara blend
Contains: Cinnamon, Ginger and Clove with Liquorice and Cacao peels.
From a herbalists’ perspective roots and barks are regarded as hugely grounding and centering. Spices due to their high content of essential oils and resins really connect us to our sense of smell and taste having a powerful effect on our nervous system, digestive system, mucous membranes and smooth muscles.
Let me walk you through the unique blend of herbs and spices used in our ‘I am’ Be Better Root chakra blend:
Cinnamon is a wonderful warming, earthy spice. It helps to warm our digestive system, releases any trapped wind and balances our blood sugar levels. It also boosts concentration and memory and helps focus on the present moment.
Cardamon is a beautiful, sensuous and uplifting spice. It helps alleviate anxiety and symptoms of depression. Warming and stimulating it stimulates our digestive juices by connecting to our sense of smell. It clears our breath and gently cleanses the body.
Ginger is a stimulating and warming spice which cuts through any mucous in the digestive tract. It eases spasm of the smooth muscles especially of the digestive tract and the womb. Releases congestion, eases nausea and has an antimicrobial, antibacterial and antiviral action which benefits the whole body.
Clove is a pungent spice which helps ease inflammation, bloating, indigestion and promotes absorption and assimilation of food.
Liquorice sweet and nourishing helps balance our blood sugar levels, reduces sweet cravings and protects against heartburn and indigestion. It is thought to gently boost adrenal function and can help combat fatigue and stress. Due to its mild laxative effect, it promotes cleansing and elimination of the bowel and colon.
Cacao peels are caffeine free and high in antioxidants which can help protect the body from ‘free radical’ damage. With a pleasant cacao flavour that is both mildly bitter, earthy and creamy taste, Cacao peels uplifts our mood by boosting serotonin levels as well as other ‘feel good’ chemicals in our brain such as Theobromine which is a natural stimulant and Anandamine also sometimes referred to as the ‘Bliss Chemical’. It also contains valuable amounts of magnesium which is known to relieve muscle spasm and can help promote a healthy sleep pattern.
‘I know’ Be Better Crown Chakra Tea
Our ‘I know’ Be Better Crown Chakra or Sahashara - Lotus of a thousand petals- blend contains all the benefits of Green Tea with a delightful blend of oriental spices and helps you to balance your Crown Chakra.
Contains: Sencha Green Tea, Orange peel, Lemon peel, Clove, Cardamon, Star Anise
Green Tea: Green tea is loaded with polyphenol antioxidants, including a catechin called EGCG. These antioxidants can have various beneficial effects on health.
Clove is a pungent spice which helps ease inflammation, bloating, indigestion and promotes absorption and assimilation of food.
Cardamon is a beautiful, sensuous and uplifting spice. It helps alleviate anxiety and symptoms of depression. Warming and stimulating it stimulates our digestive juices by connecting to our sense of smell. It clears our breath and gently cleanses the body.
Star Anise: One of the most popular pharmacologically relevant attributes of star anise is its shikimic acid content.
Shikimic acid is a compound with strong antiviral capabilities. In fact, it’s one of the main active ingredients in Tamiflu, a popular medication for the treatment of influenza
But what is the Crown Chakra?
The crown chakra is the main chakra of the human body, it energizes the brain and opens our mind to reach explanations of the most diverse subjects of life, thus allowing us to live in perfect understanding and harmony of the Universe.
When balanced, the Crown initially makes us realize the stillness of our universe, its purity and omnipresence. When it is open, we have the impression that we are waking up from a deep sleep or that feeling of ‘coming home’ which then becomes a reality of permanent joy.
The effects of a closed 7th chakra are related to a ‘feeling of separation’ from the harmonious flow of the universe and thereby might develop into a limiting fear that will block all other chakras.
With all these wonderful herbal teas in mind...
Remember the simple steps to better health and wellbeing:
Look after yourselves & your family and friends with:
Good food- preferably locally grown and organic,
Fresh Water- clean and filtered
Exercise- daily
Lots of mindfulness - create your own moment of pause!
Love and laughter- completely free and in endless supply :)
Now is the time!
Warm regards, Joerg and Karin Mueller, Master Teablenders & Medical Herbalists (BscHons)