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21 Cleansing Day Programme

21 Cleansing Day Programme

Jan 19, 2021


It takes 21 days to form a habit so lets make it count!
The New Year is a wonderful time to set new intentions; especially around the time of the New moon. It's a good time to cleanse, let go of what no longer serves and set new achievable goals.

So why not join us for our 21 day cleansing challenge in order to refresh and revitalise for this New Year. As we move towards the Full moon our energy increases and we can harvest the results of the foundations laid and new seeds sown.
From a herbalists perspective DETOX or body cleansing/rejuvenation, is a very holistic, whole body approach.

So we release the idea of quick fix dramatic weight loss and reductionist dietary regimes.

  • How can we support the body to cleanse itself
  • How can we support the kidneys and liver to work more efficiently
  • How can we nourish our cells to work at their optimal level
  • How can we establish an energising and rejuvenating self care regimen where we feel good in and under our skin :)

Establishing small steps in the right direction that you persistently stick with and build on can be more effective than dramatic life altering changes.

Let's do it together?

Join to receive weekly information on how to cleanse and revitalise your body inside and out.


Karin Mueller is co-owner of Solaris tea and has been working in the field of wellness and health for over 20 years now.

She is a Medical Herbalist (BSc Hons), practising Midwife (BSc Hons), Massage and Spa therapist and experienced course facilitator and teacher on a wide range of topics related to mindfulness, meditation and women’s health.

She is currently also studying in the ‘Medicine of Light’ school to deepen her spiritual practise.