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Getting the Tea Gift Sets Ready - The Photoshoot

Getting the Tea Gift Sets Ready - The Photoshoot

Nov 26, 2014

Joerg Mueller

   Things are hectic here at Solaris. It’s almost Christmas and that means we are trying to make sure we have everything ready for all our lovely Customers. There’s lots to be done, and lots we are excited about.

But we’re really excited about one aspect of the whole thing. That’s our tea gift sets. We’ve been dreaming them up for ages. We’ve put together hundreds of options, we’ve had lots of votes and friendly debates about which ones we like. It was like an election for the president, only slightly less important.

Anyway, at the end of the day we all agreed and we think we have three tea gift sets that are very exciting. We spent all day being very professional photographers and taking pictures with the wonderful Andrea Zipoli. This involved rearranging a lot of tea bags. There are some pictures of the photoshoot below and you can click here to see the gift sets.