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The power of Antioxidants

  Everyone knows that antioxidants are good for the body. But what do they actually do? In short, they protect the cell walls from changes! Every chronic medical condition and even aging can bring on small changes in the cell wall.
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Tea is enjoying a renewed popularity

The opening of the New York City store on Thursday comes after Starbucks last year bought Teavana, a chain of about 300 stores. Starbucks has said it plans to use the acquisition to make tea a bigger part of American culture, as it has with coffee.
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What’s the deal with Matcha...

This mighty powdered green tea is sweeping across the country and has taken the health world by storm with no signs of slowing down. A lot of information is flying around about Matcha and some of our customers are getting a little lost in all the facts, so we’ve put together a couple of our most frequently asked questions to help you get to know Matcha a little better.
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Spring has finally sprung and with it comes the first Hallmark day of the year – Valentines!

  Forget chocolate, bunches of roses and the usual suspects that come with Valentines Day. Instead, why not get creative! At Solaris we can help you get your creative juices flowing by working with you to create a bespoke, tailor-made tea especially with your loved one in mind.
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Where Matcha Comes From and its Development

With all the talk about Matcha, it’s hard to not know something about it, but we’ve noticed that not all the facts are straight. Some people seem to have different ideas of where it is from and sometimes even what it is. We’ve decided to keep things informative and teach you a thing or two about Matcha. Click Here

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