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6 Myths About Tea

With tea being the second most consumed drink in the world and wrapped in millennial traditions, it's impossible not to hear stories of its powers....
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A Herbalist perspective on Immunity.

As we discussed in the last article, viruses have a pronounced relationship with the nervous system & the “ego” or “I-organization”. From a her...
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Autumn Tips to Boost your Immunity

As we head into autumn again, it's as important as ever that we mind our immune system and strengthen and warm our bodies for the cooler months ahead.

Learn about the ‘power of ritual’ and ‘moments of pause’ to achieve this, and our favourite 6 teas to support you in this.

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Self Care rituals for Mums to be (and to be honest ALL women)

I was thinking this morning what does self care really mean to me.

Yes of course Me time, having a massage, cup of tea with my bestie and definitely my weekly yoga zoom class.

Then I dug a bit deeper and thought, well today my self care is writing this blog in bed still in my dressing gown whilst the kids are eating coco pops with instant cream in the living room because the kitchen is still a mess.

Other days it might be folding and sorting my own clothes first before the rest of the families- so I can have a stress free pick of outfits for the week that really make me feel good.

Does reading this give you an immediate sense of discomfort? And a...I don't know if I could do that. 

Surely the kids need to come first. Well if I don't iron my husband's shirt he'll be late for that important meeting. How could I possibly put myself first, I dont have the time.

I guess it doesn't really matter what it is that helps you make that first break through.

The important thing is that you start practising! I sure had to!

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Go with the flow: How understanding your Moon Cycle may help you Live Your Best Life

What if there was a way to harness the power and beauty of the cycle and really potently use it to our advantage. As an outlet for our creativity, as a deep well for our insight and intuition and also for energy to move things forward in our lives.
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When You Think You Can’t Sing

We’ve all at some point in our lives come across negative remarks. As adults, we may find it easier to brush them of and come back to our own truth. But anything we’ve heard as children, seems to stick for a long time. I’ve come across crazy stories many times as a music teacher. I call them stories because they’re not real (even if we think they are) and crazy because they’re often quite far out and tell us more about the sender than the receiver.

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