Feet are the support base of our body, they work all day and therefore deserve special care and rest, even if they were made to withstand the pressure exerted by the weight of the body.
However, we rarely stop to think about how hard our feet work and that we should give them some special care. This usually only happens when we start to feel pain, develop calluses or other problems.
One way to end problems and prevent future discomfort is through daily massage of our feet before bed.
This habit helps to relax the feet and the whole body while bringing important benefits, learn some of them and how to do an amazing Lemongrass Nourishing Foot Balm.Take your time. It's easier said than done, isn't it? Yet, slowing down is a worthwhile goal since it creates a space in our mind and soul for happiness.
A daily ritual can help you do this. Routines give us time to be present at the moment, to embrace our inner silence, to find our new passion, or even to see something we normally take for granted in a new light.
But where do I begin? It may help to begin this process with a daily cleansing ritual that grounds you to the moment. What are its steps? Let's find out.
The power of the womb has both been revered and feared for thousands of years now.
Within it lies the power of life and of death.
Here we have the capacity to harbour fertility that is beyond our capacity as women to give birth to a baby.
Here is the seat of our wisdom, creativity, power and sensuality.
Stories of potent and powerful Goddesses representing fertility, birth and creation, dot the landscape of our fertile matriarchal landscape of the past.